
Comprehensive solutions for space situational awareness.

Through cooperation with the European Space Agency, Nurjana Technologies established the pillars of a satellite collision avoidance service, critical for space situational awareness (SSA). Today, NurjanaTech is developing the next generation of commercial space domain awareness services to protect space-based infrastructures – earth observation satellites, navigation satellites, manned vehicles, and space stations – from colliding with the cloud of man-made space debris and the ever-increasing demands of the new space economy.

Nurjana Technologies solutions offer a comprehensive suite of capabilities:

  • Mission scenario simulation to project trajectory, orbit, and speed
  • Calculate visibility windows for orbiting objects
  • Conjunction analysis
  • Autonomous optical sensor star calibration
  • Autonomous optical and radar sensor scheduling, pointing, and measurement acquisition
  • Accurate orbit determination from radar/optical sensor measurements
  • High precision orbital propagation
  • Launch window calculation
  • Optical observations processing

Space Domain Awareness Capabilities

Collision Avoidance

The collision avoidance module allows for prediction and minimizing collisions between orbiting spacecraft and other objects in low Earth orbit. The collision probability prediction identifies potential threats, allowing for the execution of early avoidance maneuvering procedures based on quantified parameters such as object accuracy and probability of impact.

Tumbling Rate Determination

To successfully operate in space, humans must respect orbital environment. Many future missions have been planned to remove dangerous objects. Tumbling rate determination of a target object is a key challenge and a fundamental piece of information in planning a successful mission that captures, moves, or repositions space debris or a defunct satellite.

Lost Satellite Rescue

By utilizing sensors around the globe, this module assists with finding lost satellites. This is achieved by using the satellite's last known location, then applying precise predictive algorithms to identify the lost satellite's location. Radar and optical sensors support this effort by pointing at a specific position determined by the predictive software to find and re-track the lost satellite.

Space Debris Catalogue

Utilizing a distributed radar, lidar and optical sensors network, NurjanaTech is developing a catalog of orbiting objects, including satellites and space debris. This comprehensive catalog supports satellite operators and space missions alike, providing real-time situational awareness and support to better plan for safe missions.

Open Data

NurjanaTech's mission is to share space knowledge in a revolutionary way. We understand the value and contribution of our international eco-system, and have embarked on a strategic mission to engage new players in space economy and continously contribute to the spread of space culture.

Space Domain Awareness Solutions

NurjanaTech offers a comprehensive suite of capabilities to address your space domain awareness challenges.